@dog - I don't have to prove it - It is common knowledge...
No...I am not a victim of propaganda - I am anti-war, because American and Britain have had a "guns a blazing" attitude...
I can say, that although Saddam has performed attrocities to his own people, the UN sanctions on Iraq have caused alot of deaths...
Yes - The UN does have power - Saddam just refuses to acknowledge it...
To be honest, I am entitled to my opinion - I thought this could become a debate on the rightness and wrongness of war, not personal attacks on whether someone is a victim of propaganda or not...
Whatever anyone says here today, the US and Britain are going to war, and there is nothing we can do to stop it...I don't agree with it, but at the end of the day, if that is all they feel they can do, then I guess they have done the best that they can...Personally, I feel more could have been done before military action was necessary, but I will now say that although I don't agree, I do not condemn the idea of action being taken, I just fear that it will be done wrongly, and get lots of innocent Iraqis killed...