You guys say we can settle this peacefully. By forcing Iraq to get rid of the WOMD? How? All they have to do (and have done so far) is keep moving them ahead of where the inspectors are at or not allow the inspectors into certain areas (which has also happened many times). I don't know about anyone else, but one Sept. 11th was already too much, we don't need another one while we sit and wait for Iraq to comply. I do believe that we should always try to settle our problems peacefully, but when that fails there is no other choice but to use force. There will be a lot more good come out of all of this than there will be bad, no matter how it goes. I'm sure if Russia and France had had their own Sept. 11th, this would all be mute right now. And think about this, who is the father of the President of the US? As the former head of the CIA, can you expect any less of him? Like it or not, the CIA knows a lot more about what is really going on than the average American does. It's easy to sit back and holler "make love not war" when there is no immediate threat to your way of life. Have that threat, and the song they sing changes very quickly.
'Nuff said.