Today at 02:48 PM hellsatan said this in Post #12
Hehe...Indeed it is...
How can we solve this issue peacefully?
I believe that France and Germany had the perfect solution - Make the UN Weapon Inspectors make Iraq destroy all their weapons...
I might like to add, that who was it that sold Iraq the weapons in the first place? The US...
It seems that America's idiocy in selling Iraq weapons to fight Iran was wrong
Your warped perspective of the past is extremely disturbing. Could you please list for me what weapons the United States sold to Iraqi? I mean, you must know if you can so firmly say we did. I can make you a small list right now of previous sales and current interests involving Germany, France, and Iraqi.
Let?s start with?. hrm?. The NUCLEAR REACTOR France sold to them. You should also take a look at the raw numbers?. like how many billions of dollars Iraqi owes Russia, the endless list of military equipment France sold to them including the Mirage jet fighter, and overwhelming percentage of OIL they both DEPEND on from Iraqi.
You sir are a victim of propaganda.