Let me teach you guys something

The 'littleuns' and some of the 'biguns' do not understand how this will work.
Let me take you through the steps.
You guys think now since Blair and Bush have got what the want, and the majority of the people of each country are against it, they are stupid. Well sure they are stupid, but if they know it will hurt their political future, I am sure they would not start it.
Another note, Bush can't step back, due to sense of pride and dignity, same with Blair. They stepped into something, and if they backup, there never going to get voted again. Now here is how I see it will work.
1. They will attack Iraq
2. They will help rebuild Iraq, settle a full military operation there
3. Show how much Iraq has benifited from this
4. Prove to the citizens of their countries how what they did was right
5. Try so hard to do good, by helping out countries
6. Sit in hope to get voted again
Those are the steps, both what I think
will happen. There is no point is bashing the leaders of the countries, they got what the wanted, we just have to see what happense. At the end of this "operation liberation of Iraq" is over, the Propoganda steps in.
Now at the moment we cannot do anything.
Bright side to this, if US wins, gas prices will go down, Iraqis will have a more peaceful and democratic land, and there will be a sense of security to many people. Even the surrounding middle-eastern countries have took a stand. (Israel).
Now what is my opinion? I got to admit my opinion is clouded by propoganda, but from past historical events, I
think what I am about to say is right.
Iraqis deserve better, thousands of thousands of Iraqis die in that country due to lack of interest from the government, lack of food, clean water, now some blame America for this, because they stopped the providing of humanitical support, but wouldn't you say its the leader of the country who must look out for his people? There are many sick children from malnutrition, over 80% of the population live in poverty, they have no rights, but Sadaam supposodly says there are rights and holds "Show" elections, where he some how gets 100% of the votes. I think to get rid of this government that Sadaam has running, will mean better for the Iraqis, without a Dictatorship in that country, outer countries are able to provide support, and gain support in many ways (Resources), they can make thousands of new jobs, establish healty trading relations. With healthy trading comes, healthy living and much more plus sides. Sure U.S is interested in oil-, but you have to face historical facts, and base your opinion on them.
Also another note, no matter the size of the U.S army, I think the Iraq army has learned from the past 'mini-war', and Iraq's confidence does really seem wierd looking at the fact of U.S Army size. From this, I think the U.S and Allied forces must get the job done immediatly, before they suffer great losses.