I need a slight bit of help on the index.php.
I installed this hack way back at ver 2.0.0.
It worked fine until I hada hacker crash my database for me. :ermm:
Anyway I'v installed updates up to 2.0.3, and ran the
forum for quite a while without stars, although the old
stars.php, and my star graphics where in place.
(also the database tables were still ok.)
I recently upgraded to 2.3.0, and decided to try this
I did the upgrade, and ther were some slight changes, but I
got it working great.
The only problem I have is I made the new stars catigory
in the index.php, but since it's change so much I can't figure
out how to get the "add" & "modify" catigories under the header.
I uploaded the new stars.php, and if I go directly to it, everything
is in place. I just would like to get to it through the admin cp.
This is still a great hack. :banana:
I stuck this in the index ????
//<!-- Stars Hack -->
maketableheader("User Stars");
//<!-- Stars Hack End -->