Your simply blind the truth my friend. France and other countries are vetoing the proposal of a second resolution because they have foreign interests. Lets face it the US won the cold war and Russia are bitter for that - i personally feel they're government is issueing their veto to be bitter towards the US and allied forces...
France have interests of their own. It was reported that france produces billions of dollars of revenue from Iraq last week so that explains why they're issueing their veto.
I don't blame the US, UK and Spain for ignoring the UN now because they are just being unfairly ignored by the countries have the power to veto. I say go for it. This issue is not going to be resolved by the UN and i fear if the UK, US and Spain leave the issue any longer then UN will stall longer and longer until the presence of the UN will be minute. I hope that the three allied countries have learnt their lessons from the League of Nations
- miSt