I take a quote from my recent MSN Conversation, what I typed, and my friend
Chris says:
and George Bush & Tony Blair getting into bed with each other
and saying "f*ck the UN" literally and metaphorically
Thou shall respect your messiah says:
This has all happened before:
1. A country ignoring UN - happened with Italy and The League of Nations in 1923 (The League collapsed in the 30s after no one paid any attention to it
2. Bush going to war in the gulf - his dad did it now he is
Chris says:
it is his family obsession with the Gulf
just cos it has more Oil than he does, means he must destroy and claim for his fat-cat country
Thou shall respect your messiah says:
Well they were shocked when something happened to them. All he wants is an excuse - September 11th gave him that excuse. It wasn't the number of the deaths that shocked the world, or the damage but....
Chris says:
his obesity
Thou shall respect your messiah says:
the target
Chris says:
his obesity
Thou shall respect your messiah says:
Chris says:
i said obesity
Thou shall respect your messiah says:
I SAID TARGET but obesity could NO NO TARGET
Chris says:
the entire world is shocked at his corpulent fat-cat attitude
the word obesity
and corpulent
in this instance
does not refer to the medical or physical descriptive meanings of the word
but to America's "we are so great" attitude
I don't believe that any truer words were spoken
(I am "Chris" btw
