Nice hack!
Does anybody have any idea how to get the complete useragent info instead of just the first 50 chars? (setting the useragent field of the session table from char(50) to varchar(100) didn't do the trick)
btw, the fix for the guest-problem:
(I c/p'ed the whole bit of code to prevent confusion

PHP Code:
$userinfo[$key][userid] = $user[userid];
$userinfo[$key][showemail] = $user[showemail];
$userinfo[$key][receivepm] = $user[receivepm];
$userinfo[$key]['useragent'] = $user['useragent'];
$userinfo[$key]['actualurl'] = $user['location'];
} else { // Guest
$guests[$count][location] = $user[location];
$guests[$count][invisible] = 0;
$guests[$count][username] = "Guest";
if ($WOLresolve && $usergroupdef['canwhosonlineip']) {
$guests[$count][ipaddress] = @gethostbyaddr($user[host]);
} else {
$guests[$count][ipaddress] = $user[host];
$guests[$count][lastactivity] = $user[lastactivity];
$guests[$count]['useragent'] = $user['useragent'];
$guests[$count]['actualurl'] = $user['location'];
This worked for me...