refertech - It's possible now to insert images using the img tag or by enabling HTML. Is there another way you were wanting to insert the image?
ub3x - Yes. It will work with versions 2.6 & up.
Rebel38 - There are several counter systems out there that shouldn't be a problem to impliment with this. Short of writing one for you there's not much I can do to help you impliment one though.
Heffe2000 - Moving the latest topics under the news is just a matter of editing the HTML in the index and index_threadbits templates. You would basically move the latest threads block to right underneath the $newsbits part in your index template and maybe make a few small cosmetic changes. It really shouldn't be too hard to figure out.

As for excluding the forumids, try something like "AND open<>10 AND forumid!=xx OR forumid!=yy OR forumid!=zz" (with OR after each forumid instead of AND). That should work, but if it doesn't let me know.
Krackills - See my reply to Heffe2000.