Hi all,
Just installed this and ran into the conflict replacing variables in the dovars section of the ADMIN/functions.php file between this hack and Chen's {bbusername} auto name hack.
On pages 29 and 40/41 of this thread, I read that we can integrate the two by finding this in Teck's vbMicroStats hack:
PHP Code:
$findwords=array(0 => '{getmicrostats}');
$replacewords=array(0 => $microstats);
And replacing that with this:
PHP Code:
$findwords=array(0 => '{getmicrostats}', 1 => '{bbusername}');
$replacewords=array(0 => $microstats, 1 => $bbusername);
Well, this actually did not work in my case. The {bbusername} portion of the variables wasn't correct. To solve it, I had to replace it with this, instead:
PHP Code:
$findwords=array(0 => '{getmicrostats}', 1 => '{bbusername}');
$replacewords=array(0 => $microstats, 1 => "$bbuserinfo[username]");
Don't know if anyone else has had a problem with this, but thought I'd mention it, just in case.
Thanks for the great hack, Teck.
<< Now I'm off to lower the number of queries running rampant on all these pages before my site blows up. >>