This is my first real hack of a hack
I really wanted to have the banner have a clickable url... so I modified the hack inphpinclude as follows...
$banners=array('image1', 'image2'); //images names
$bannerhref=array('',''); //url names
$randomnum=rand(0,count($banners)-1); //generate random num
$bannerimg=$banners[$randomnum]; //random image
$bannerurl=$bannerhref[$randomnum]; //corresponding random url
$adbannerurl="<a href=\"http://$bannerurl\">\n";
$adbanner="<img src=\"/images/banner/$bannerimg.jpg\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">\n"; //images output
//END ©
In my header I simpy call $addbanner, and $addbannerurl
Hope this is useful...