vB Links Directory 3.0
Hi My name is keptic, I would like to state at first that I am not DrkFusion, but will be continuing his projects. I believe before he left he promised 2 hacks. Those are done.
Now onto the vB Links Directory, Arunan had given me the script to modify and release, with a stupidity on my part, I have no clue what happend to it, he has since reformated his computer.
But...we still have base files. With one day of coding both Arunan and I have been able to code the hack to what it was before.
Some of the features he had before are gone, but the progress is great, and I expect to release this on his behalf within 2 days max.
In the meantime I will be posting some screenshots.
Thank you for your understanding, and I am sorry, but it will be in the public released here within 2 days max, or even tomorow afternoon.
All of the following posts will have screenshots.