Filbert, I am really not this crabby usually. I promise. About 43% of the time, I just do the damn search myself and give them the link. 55% of the time, I sit on my hands and ignore the lazy bums. But, that other 2% of the time, I spit a few tacks and snarl a bit. (The first one of you who makes a crack about times of the month will get a dreadfully wrong answer to your next support question

I can handle when they don't search. Usually. I can even tolerate a pathetic bump without telling them to go buy a PHP book and start reading. Usually. Cross posting annoys the hell out of me, and I can rarely refrain from giving them a link to their own post :blush: But this guy did all 3 and I actually believed I showed some restraint because I didn't ask him if he has his mommy do his homework for him too.