Completed working code for the forum navbar (if you make a forum with the [you] in it (like "[you]'s Personal Forum"). Thanks to Xenon for pointing out something I missed, that was really, really stupid of me.
In admin/functions.php, find:
PHP Code:
function makenav($id,$idtype="forum",$highlightlast=1) {
global $DB_site,$nav_url,$nav_title,$session,$threadcache;
and replace it with:
PHP Code:
function makenav($id,$idtype="forum",$highlightlast=1) {
global $DB_site,$nav_url,$nav_title,$session,$threadcache,$bbuserinfo;
then find:
PHP Code:
and BELOW it add:
PHP Code:
if ($bbuserinfo[userid]>0) {
$nav_title = preg_replace("/(\[)(you)(])/siU", $bbuserinfo[username], $nav_title);
} else {
$nav_title = preg_replace("/(\[)(you)(])/siU", "you", $nav_title);