Originally posted by sonic3d
ALTER TABLE `rpg_classm` ADD `visible` SMALLINT(5) NOT NULL default '1'
ALTER TABLE `rpg_classf` ADD `visible` SMALLINT(5) NOT NULL default '1'
If you didn't run those queries then you aren't updated to version 0.63. Run those queries.
Also, run the DB Fix to see if that fixes the healing center.
Originally posted by Kyrie
is there a way to modify how many items a user can buy from a specific category? Example.... I have the weapons and armor categories which I want them to only have one... but I have two other categories.... Attack Spells and Items (non-battle) which I'd like them to be able to buy more from.
Is there a way to do this?
The only way to do it right now is to make duplicate categories that hold the same items.
Originally posted by Kyrie
for some reason many of my users stats are right down to 0, except the experience, how can i fix this
Yeah, try what AViO 07 said. Run the update stats feature. IF that doesn't work, then run DB Fix.