No, I remembered them but I wanted to find them here again. I found out how. Just go to the bottom of the first page in your usercp here, and where it says "Installed Hacks," click "The beginning" for the views. Then it lists them all.
Also, I have a question about this hack, you said this:
Originally posted by scsa20
I think it only works if you have messeger 4.x... I do not think it works with version 5 (I tried it myself, instead it just opened AIM?)
Well, I had installed this hack on the 10th, and I have never noticed the apparent "AIM Issue" with this, but I recently became aware that this was a problem on my board. AIM was loading ever time someone went to a thread and didn't already have AIM opened. I almsot always have it on so I never noticed until now.
I posted
this and I am wondering if this is maybe the reason. I was going through all the hacks I installed and this one is the only one that seems like it would be causing this. THANKS.