I visited an earlier post (linked below) on page 10 of this thread and figured out how to hand-code "links.php" to allow special characters.
In the current release (2.2.8), the "linkname" code already has the modification needed to allow these special characters, but you still need to change the "linkdesc" (link description) code.
Find this:
PHP Code:
VALUES ('$catid', '".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($linkname))."', '$linkurl', '$linkdesc', $vd)");
And Change to:
PHP Code:
VALUES ('$catid', '".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($linkname))."', '$linkurl', '" .addslashes (htmlspecialchars ($linkdesc )). "', $vd)");
Here's the post I referenced above that needed to be changed
(post #142 on page 10 of this thread).