Originally posted by TWTCommish
I'll need some more time, I'm working on a few other things. Don't give up on me just yet.
Are you still working on those 2 modifications for this hack TWTCommish? I know a lot of us want them, and I was hoping they may be coming shortly? How goes the progress? I was also wondering how hard it would be to implement a search for the glossary? I wouldn't mind something inside the search dropdown box on the actual search page, but I would be more interested in a search field at the top of all the glossary pages that allows you to search while in the glossary. Sound possible?
I also had a question, how hard would it be to modify the hack so that you use the glossary for something else? Like say I want a glossary, but I also want to use the same type of formating for another idea? How hard would it be tweak the current code so that there are like 2 glossaries (sp?) and 1 works as a glossary and the other works for another purpose?
Please let us/me know how the hacking is going.