In most forums people can only write if they become registered members. For a handful of reasons some don?t.
What I?ld like to have would be a hack which gives the user a choice to register and become a regular member - or to post as an unregistered user instead with his eMail-adress.
What should this hack do?
- allow users to post new threads and answers not logged-in and unregistered via email-adress.
- these posts should be "moderated" via the cp and have to be validated before they appear in the forums
- email notfication to mods/admins about postings which have to be moderated
- email notification to the poster when a new answer is posted
- ban-function for email-adresses in cp
- email-adress of posters only may be visible to mods/admins
Anyone here who thinks this could be helpful to others too? Anyone who thinks this could be worth some time of coding?
Hey Firefly, what about you man

Got some time?
I would really appreciate if someone could do this hack.