Has anyone come up with this yet, or does it keep getting shot down by those that don't like the feature?
Example - vbHome Lite - has the ability to put a poll on their maine page. So do others.. so, why not take that same logic to a non-vb page for those of us not interested in using vbhome lite or just want to put a poll somewhere else.
I don't even much care if the voting part is availbale - a link can be provided to the person to go vote if they like. Poll results - something that would catch people's eye as they browse into our main home page... like "hey, whats this poll thing.." - next thing you know, they have signed up in the forums and are voting and posting away... (this wouldn't be the case using a separate poll script unrelated to the forums)
Or even within other pages of a web site it would be cool to have a poll show up if one is available related to the topic in the site...
Anyway, this is my vote for someone to do this. (and not as a separate page like another hack I've seen here)
I'm sure not many are doing new hacks for vb2x but maybe someone finally got one to work?