Originally posted by DaPro
Hey, I got another problem, I installed everything good, but when I go to my user cp area, the fields are empty! I ran all the install files, and ther still are empty drop downs even though the admin area says they are there, can anyone help me?
Try clicking on the DB Fix link in the admin cp. Run the script. Let me know what happens.
Originally posted by Mystic Gohan
dont mean that (or so I think anyway) I mean lets say I battle you in a battle. We are the same level and same stats.
I punch you and take away 4 HP
You punch me and take away 8 HP
I punch you and take away 7 HP
You punch me and take away 5 HP
Like that even though the same levels and stats more or less damage is recieved so it isnt a battle on who has more HP
I told you wrong last time. What I meant to say was that the total damage is +-25% for weapons. That is
after everything is factored into the equation, including extra attack for you, extra defense for the defender, etc. This makes the damage vary between hits. Also, fists will do a minimum of 5 damage because it isn't fun doing 1 HP of damage for 60 turns. Here is an example:
The formula for fist damage is
PHP Code:
floor(log10($level) * 30 + rand(-(int)($level * .15), (int)($level * .15))) + 1;
Let's say that my level is 20. Then:
Fist damage = log10(20) * 30 + rand(-(int)(20 *.15), (int) (20 *.15))
Assuming the random function generates the number 2:
Fist damage = 1.301 * 30 + 2
Fist damage = 41.03
Fist damage = 41
Now, if rand had been -2, then the fist damage would have been 37. This is a difference of 4 (41 - 37). 4 is approximately 10% of the average of the two numbers. Since the maximum value that can be returned by the random function is 3, and the lowest is -3, this means that on average, there will be a 7-10% difference between each hit with one's fists.
Of course, this effect only kicks in at the higher levels. At lower levels, +-15% of 5 won't matter, since the values are rounded down by the floor function.
If you want to make it more random, then change the .15 to a higher number, say .60. The fist damage function is located near the top of battleupdate.php and is clearly labeled.
Originally posted by Moreliator
Bitsy, yeah that worked fine with the templates, thanks.
Heh, well I have one more thing to ask (sorry) - I've installed your hack about 10 times now. Every once in a while, when I install it and begin editing the default weapons, once I press save changes, and it brings me back to the editing page, all of the weapon names and descriptions are cut off... its really weird. Like one of the items becomes "d Sword" instead of Broad Sword... and the tables start getting really screwy. Would this be a template problem?
Hmm, I don't think it is a template problem. Did you undo the database queries before re-installing each time? If you refresh the items page, do the names and descriptions go back to normal?
Originally posted by Vivi Ornitier
Bitsys, do u have any updated screenshots, or are the oens in the beginning of thread the most updated.
The ones at the beginning are all I have right now. Unfortunately, they are 3 months old. When I release the final version, I will also release some final screenshots. Until then, I won't be making new ones since some things may still change slightly.