well....ive added innumeral things to this hack, in little bits, and in large noticeable bits. one thing i did was have 'defaut' gil you could recieve when you registered. it was originally set to 500. a few weeks later, a giant wave of registrations came, and suddenly, i realized why none were posting, and why those members never had any gil left......without buying anything...
they were fake members donating the default gil to the original members....so what do i to combat this? ive created a very nice addon, useable to see who is donating to who, and allows you to check identities and such--and accept/cancel donations
use it to do that, or track all donations in general. there is one query, 2 major edits (additions) and 1 minor edit, and one optional minor edit. (you can allow your mods to use the script)
Instructions are in the attachment, and if u have any questions, direct them towards me in a pm
i hereby call this addon the Donation Queue ^_^