Originally posted by Vivi Ornitier
Hey bitsys, i'm uninstallin all the RPG hacks but what about the queries that were run by them? I haven't looked at the rpg install instructions yet but i'm naturally assumin theres gonna be massive amounts of queries
IIRC, the only queries that were run by the other RPG hacks were the queries to add additional fields to the user table and userfield table. The exception to this is the Itemshop hack. All of the itemshop tables begin with the prefix "items". So, if you remove the extra fields in the user/userfield table and you remove all tables that begin with items, then I think you should be OK. I am not 100% sure, so you should try to find the install files and double-check to make sure.
Originally posted by Mystic Gohan
Will you be able to make it random on how much HP you have because right now all it is, is who ever has the higher HP wins a match. Can you randomize the HP taken away from an attack?
That is the way it currently works. Items do +- 25% of their buff value that you assign in the admin cp. Fists do +-15% based a formula that uses the person's level and stats and do a minimum of 5 damage. Spells do +- 15% damage based on the buff value that you assigned in the admin cp.
If you run some tests then you should notice that this is the case. If you find that it isn't, then let me know.