is there a way to display the european date format in the thread e.g. 24.02.2002 after the age?
Not tested but should work:
Find this:
PHP Code:
$greeting_thread.=" * [url=$bburl/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=".$birthday_children[userid]."]".$birthday_children[username]."[/url]";
if ($birthday_children[yas]!='-') {$greeting_thread.="(".$birthday_children[yas].")";}
$greeting_thread.=" ".$birthday_children[birthday]." \n";
and replace it like this:
PHP Code:
if ($birthday_children[birthday] == '0000-00-00') {
$birthday321 = "N/A";
} else {
$bday = explode("-",$birthday_children[birthday]);
if (date("Y")>$bday[0] and $bday[0]>1901 && $bday[0]!='0000') {
$birthday321 = @date($calformat1,mktime(0,0,0,$bday[1],$bday[2],$bday[0]));
} else {
// lets send a valid year as some PHP3 don't like year to be 0
// $calformat2 should not contania year identifier so the year doesn't matter
$birthday321 = @date($calformat2,mktime(0,0,0,$bday[1],$bday[2],1993));
if ($birthday321=="") {
$birthday321 ="$bday[1]-$bday[2]-$bday[0]";
$greeting_thread.=" * [url=$bburl/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=".$birthday_children[userid]."]".$birthday_children[username]."[/url]";
if ($birthday_children[yas]!='-')
$greeting_thread.=" ".$birthday321 ." \n";