Originally posted by Darkwaltz4
what exactly were the 'beta tests' done? u keep mentioning passed failed things, but i dont know what you tried *shrugs*
Are you referring to the things that I have tried but didn't actually work out?
If so, then the major one was limit breaks. The original RPG Class Hack had limit breaks for different classes. You would get a new level break after getting a new level.
The way I saw it was that these limit breaks took a certain amount of PP to execute. So, if I wanted to use "Dragon Punch" in battle, then it might cost me 300 PP, etc. These limit breaks would each do a certain enhancement, like 200% extra damage, or skip a turn, or immobilize your enemy for a turn. Basically, they were special attacks that could affect the status of the battle in a unique way. Mind you, this was when the moderators calculated damage for a battle and subtracted the HP manually. The Mods also did the coin flipping and sometimes the narration.
When I originally set out to do the RPG hack, I was very intent on having PP and limit breaks. However, I looked at the code and it did not seem feasible for several reasons:
- Each class had 5 limit breaks. Approx. 30 classes * 5 limit breaks = 150 different limit breaks, which is quite a few.
- Each limit break would have to have one or more special pre-designed abilities that could affect the battle. They would also have to take away a set amount of PP.
- There would have to be a system for gaining a level break. Would it just be that you automatically get it when you reach a certain level? Or should there be a training ground?
- The database structure would have been very complicated. What happens when the admin deletes a class? Would the user lose the limit breaks associated with that class, and possibly lose all of that hard work in the training grounds?
Problems such as these caused me to push the limit breaks and PP off to the side. I tried to do part of the table structures, but gave up. I can see a way of doing it now, but it wouldn't stay true to the original Class Hack.
I am not saying that it is impossible, it would just be more difficult than a lot of the other parts of the hack. I don't think it would be as hard as the php/javascript code I put into member.php to automatically update the races/classes based on what you choose.
That is the main feature that I have tried and felt like it wasn't worth the time to implement. However, I am not discouraging you against pursuing this add-on or any other add-on. Just because I didn't feel like it was feasible, that doesn't mean you won't.
Most of the other things that I have tried and failed at were just incremental parts of the hack. Like, the original way I had battles set up was rather horrible. So I changed it and re-wrote the code. That version was pretty bad too. So I changed it again. This process went on and on until you see what it is now.
Originally posted by Dribbles
Are the weapons working for anyone in v.63? For some reason, it's not working for me still Maybe it could be the Lesane store hack?
They work for me. I don't think it is Lesane's store hack, since that only affects the monetary system and itemshop. Check your PMs.
Originally posted by Dribbles
Just checked ... When I add a new item, it's not showing up in itemshop.php either
Make sure you are assigning it an RPG Type in the Edit Item Types menu. Just click the checkboxes below the class types that you want to have access to that weapon.