You could but the calculator's processor runs at 6 MHz and has 27 KB of RAM so good luck with that.
Also finally got the full thing working. Now I have to figure out how to change the variable's name and value that I'm sending:
Opening serial port...
Sending RTS...
Sent "03 C9 0B 00 09 00 00 41 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4A 00"
Received "83 56 0B 00" (4 bytes), responding...
Not responding to "83 56 0B 00"
Received "83 09 0B 00" (4 bytes), responding...
Sent "03 56 00 00"
Sent "03 15 09 00 00 80 12 56 34 78 85 25 55 93 02"
Received "83 56 09 00" (4 bytes), responding...
Not responding to "83 56 09 00"