Originally posted by Dribbles
I'm trying to figure out how much experience I should award users per post and for fights, etc ... just curious, when it says set how much experience a user needs before going up a level (choose number between 1-5) ... how exactly does it work? Is it the same number of experience to go up every level? (ie- level 1 -> level 2 = same amount needed as level 75 -> level 76) ... also, how much experience in points do the numbers 1 -> 5 relate to? thnx
The level formula is logarithmic. Therefore, the higher your level, the more experience it takes to gain another level. If you want to see the actul code, then search for the getlevel function in admin/functions.php.
Originally posted by Darkwaltz4
and....if ur interested, maybe this could be integrated as well? or just an addon?
The add-on sounds pretty cool. I can't guarantee that I'll integrate because I need to look at the source code first.
Originally posted by chrisz
Bitsys when I lvl up on my forum how come my HP doesnt rise???
Like geniuscrew said, did you update your stats in the user cp?
Originally posted by Vivi Ornitier
okay i'm just curious. I haven't installed this hack yet but ummm . . . u said it's not installable if you have any of the other hacks installed. I have like half of those hacks installed already, so is it just impossible for me to install the hack now? Even if i get rid of those hacks and start over again?
If you get rid of those hacks, then you should be fine installing this hack. The reason why you can't have both installed at the same time is because they use a lot of the same variables. Just make sure that all of the hacks are removed before installing this hack.
Originally posted by Vivi Ornitier
Also i'm on 2.2.6, any confirmation that it works on it? Any clue when the final release comes?
There have been 2 or 3 people that have reported it working fine on version 2.2.6. I myself have not tested it on 2.2.6, but I don't think you will have any problems. No date for the final release yet. There is still one bug that I am looking in to.