SONOFSAM - I have to agree, that does look very nice with the nexxus skin.

To change it so you can have a different template displayed in the middle rather than the news, check
this post. And if you need more than one different page like that, see
this post. It
should be fairly easy to do, but if you have any problems let me know.
arracing - Something like that could be done (if you look at my site that's actually the way I have it set up), but it does require a bit more work (ex - Your pages will have to be renamed to have .php extensions, the html page will have to be made into a vBulletin template, etc). Have you added any hacks or anything to your myvbindex file? Have you changed the "boxes" that are displayed on the left side? If you have changed any of that let me know what was changed and then I can give you instructions on how you would go about doing that.
snout - Glad everything's working for you.