ok, i make some modification
everything is looking good except for
1. after i submit a message, it will not display that message rightaway, it only display messages that i posed before. If i hit refresh, it will duplicate and show message that i just post which was not appear.
ok too hard to understand
here is an example
1. open a quiz
2. enter a message "testing" and press "post comment" > after it press 'post comment' it will display quiz page again but did not display the message "testing" that i just post.
3. Hit "refresh"
4. Displayed "testing"
5. Hit "refresh" again, two messages "testing" will be post
6. exit that quiz
7. go back that quiz
8. three message "testing" were posted.
First error : So each time i hit refresh after i post my message, it will duplicate my message.
Second error: Message doesn't display right away after hit "post comment"
Please help me to fix these errors.