If you don't want any limits at all on your icons, meaning if you want to have various sizes of icons, do the following!
Don't run the installicon.php file!
Open up forumdisplay.php and find:
PHP Code:
$thread[icon]="<img src=\"$thread[iconpath]\" alt=\"$thread[icontitle]\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\">";
Replace With:
PHP Code:
$thread[icon]="<img src=\"$thread[iconpath]\" alt=\"$thread[icontitle]\" border=\"0\">";
Open search.php and find:
PHP Code:
$searchresult[posticon]="<img src=\"$searchresult[posticonpath]\" alt=\"$searchresult[posticontitle]\" width=\"15\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\">";
Replace With:
PHP Code:
$searchresult[posticon]="<img src=\"$searchresult[posticonpath]\" alt=\"$searchresult[posticontitle]\" border=\"0\">";
Open up posticonbit template, replace everything in it with:
PHP Code:
<input type="radio" name="iconid" value="$iconid" $iconchecked> <img src="$iconpath" align="middle" alt="$alttext">
Thats how you can remove any size limit on your Post Icons, since i use similar type of icons, what I mean by similar is same size and color, thats why i made height and width editable in admin cp. But if you don't want to do that, you can do it this way.