After further invistation my index.php is not corrupted and it seems to be having problems with this block of code.
PHP Code:
// expand collapse hack
if ($BrowserDOM==True) {
__if ((!isset($z)) or ($depth==1)) {
__} else {
__// get state of collapse
__if ($forum[parentid]==-1) {
__// auto collapse forums based on forum setting
__if ($collapsedstate==1) {
___$fhomeexpandstyle="style=\"visibility:hidden; display:none;\"";
__} else {
__// auto collapse forums for user
__if (getViewSetting($forum['parentid'])==1) {
___$fhomeexpandstyle="style=\"visibility:hidden; display:none;\"";
__} elseif (getViewSetting($forum['parentid'])==2) {
__// display correct item (this can not be simplified into the block above
__// due to CSS2 defining special display values for tables, eg display:table-row;)
if ($collapsedstate==1) {
___$divexpand = "display: inline;visibility: visible;";
___$divcollapse = "display: none;visibility: hidden;";
} else {
___$divexpand = "display: none;visibility: hidden;";
___$divcollapse = "display: inline;visibility: visible;";
if (getViewSetting($forum['forumid'])==1) {
___$divexpand = "display: inline;visibility: visible;";
___$divcollapse = "display: none;visibility: hidden;";
__} elseif (getViewSetting($forum['forumid'])==2) {
___$divexpand = "display: none;visibility: hidden;";
___$divcollapse = "display: inline;visibility: visible;";
__eval("\$expandcontract = \"".gettemplate("forumhome_expandcontract")."\";");
// end expand collapse hack
The line it says it has a problem with is
PHP Code:
if ((!isset($z)) or ($depth==1)) {
I just recentally upgraded to version 2.3.0 of vbulletin but with what they said they changed this shouldn't be the problem.