bitsys has redone and added a lot of features to the battle hack and he's trying to get them to work right now, i've seen it with the features, and it's not ready to give out right yet, but the new features will almost completely redo the way potions, spells and potentially other items work, so hold tight for now
Originally posted by AViO 07
People People, calm down with the requests. Bitsys is a human just like you he isn't a robot you know.., he cannot possibly do all this. Slow the requests down, let him rest a bit. I probably can do it, but maybe hes getting pissed now cuz all of you making so many requests, why not just try and make an addon yourself and then give it to Bitsys and he can add to the next version with a little mod? I am sure that will help him out more. Personally I wouldnt be able to do anything like this, and you guys shouldn't be so selfish, instead of thanking him, you keep on asking him to add and add and add more and more stuff... -_-