]nice hack... just installed it

there's only one "problem" > it shows the first 300 characters of the first post in the thread ( nomatter how many replies there were done )...
I have a code that will show u the LATEST post in the thread without opening it... just with hovering mouse over it will show 300 characters from *latest* post in the given thread...
Code is atathced here and "kinda" buggy cause it adds 1 query per each thread shown at the forum... I share cause I have it and I really would like to mix this great hack made by nicksaunders ant the others with the code I made here... I know it's possible but my knowledge in vBB is not that big that I can do it myself...
Anyway, here's the code:
PHP Code:
$intrid = $thread[threadid];
$intrinfo = $DB_site->fetch_array($DB_site->query("SELECT pagetext FROM post WHERE threadid = '$intrid' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 1"));
if (strlen($intrinfo[pagetext]) > 100) {
$intrpreview = substr($intrinfo[pagetext], 0, 100) . "...";
} else {
$intrpreview = $intrinfo[pagetext];
$intrpreview = htmlspecialchars($intrpreview);
$intrpreview = preg_replace("/(\[quote])(.*)(\[\/quote])/siU", "", $intrpreview);
This code should go right after
PHP Code:
while ($thread=$DB_site->fetch_array($threads)) { // and $counter++<$perpage) {
in forumdisplay.php and then u can use $intrpreview anywhere as your table attribute (same as in this original hack)
If anyone can help me, please do so

I would really appreciate it

Thanx again!