I have upgraded my raidersoftware chatroom to platinum and am curious if I need to take off the "log-in" button as described earlier.
Auto-login is working because of the parameters I'm using.
I'm not sure I need all these with the auto log in..
code="Client.class" archive="scclient6_en.zip"
width=700 height=$setheight>
<param name="port" value="9002">
<param name="room" value="XXXXX">
<param name="cabbase" value="scclient_en.cab">
<param name="USERNAME" value="$username">
<param name="autologin" value="yes">
<param name="exitURL" value="javascript
: window.close()">
I have no clue what "PORT" value to provide. I'm behind a firewall at work and at a loss since I can't see my chatroom to work on it at the moment.
ANother question about "mods"
I have a group of mods on my message boards and a separate group of chat team mods. (We've been using an AIM chatroom)
I'd rather this group of 40+ chat mods not have admin status.
Could I just designate them to show up as a mod in the chatroom (bold name or something) and if they need someone banned, could they send the name to a message board mod to "ban" them? This "chat team mod" is a different usergroup on my message boards: UsergroupID=41
I guess I'm confused. I'm assuming that this embedding doesn't check the username/password of the vb, but rather passes the cookie/username into the chatroom automatically.
So, I'm assuming if we ban a username, they can't access the message boards and thus, can not log in.
Is this why I need to remove the log-in button from the log-in page? Or are my parameters (from above) for the chatbit okay?
Thanks for your help. I'm very happy with this hack!