on the myvbindex page in the news section their is those icons that print and mail to a friend. Well i want to change the icons to different ones but not have it affect the same icons on the forums. How can i do this?
Also my second question is I have a header.php file i want to load up on the myvbindex page that is different from the one on my forums. I know their is a post about this around post number 72 or such but i didnt understand what to do. I am trying to do a call function in the index_header template of the myvbindex group. I want this function to call that header.php file i have. Im not sure if this is possible or what. Basically in the header.php file is 1 table with an image in it. Can someone help me so that above the myvbindex page will be this image. Also eventually in this table i want to put code so that the image is a background and over to the right of it a banner also is their for sponsors.