I have installed this hack and it partly works. I have checked the installation and all seems to be as per instructions. I also have a gateway (usenet) hack installed which maybe causing a conflict.
My problem is:
The last post date / name etc are fine
The last post title is incorrect - it was correct the first time but won't update.
The link from the last post title works, and takes you to the last post.
Why won't the title update?
You can see the site at
I hope one of you can help.
Ok - I think I've figured it out. As all my threads come from usenet, the gateway script imports them into the db. Therefore after each import, the 'update forums info' needs to be run. In my case this is 6 times every hour. I have written a cron job calling the misc.php file. It seems to be working, but don't know what it will mean to the server load.