It looks like the timer is still running after a .rehash
Try doing a .restart or a .reload instead.
Remember though, .restart will restart the whole bot, disconnecting it from the server and logging it back on.
If you do a .reload, anything that's presently stored in memory that hasn't been saved will be lost. So make sure you do a .save and a .chansave before you do the .reload.
How to fix the problem in the actual script so that it won't break on a .rehash... Well, I'll have to get back to you on that. It's been a couple of years since I did much TCL coding, although I have a script here somewhere, that I wrote a while ago, that grabs the IRC info, and writes it out to a MySQL database every minute or so - That requires the tcl-sql library to be installed (which I believe needs root access to the box), but at least it might give me more of a clue about this timer problem.
Originally posted by pjgoncalves
i'm getting this 2 errors when i do the rehash:
TCL error in script for 'timer11':
can't read "count": no such variable