Originally posted by TECK
Is obvious you are in the competition of having people installing your hack, I was expecting to see a reaction like that from you.
You are the person who's wrong thinking that I care people will install your hack and not mines, heh... is funny.
I've kept quiet about this for some time but after these comments I am going to speak. Throughout this thread you have interjected yourself, Tech. On no other hack discussion have I seen someone with a "competing" (similar) hack visit the others thread so much and make comments such as the ones that you have made on numerous occasions - arguing against SkuZZy's info in regards to Google.com inclusion, etc. Maybe your hack works and looks pretty.. Good.. Whatever.. But, keep it out of this thread.. That is just rude.
As for your differing opinion on Google. I did go over to searchengineforums and read, read, read and then post. It seems that SkuZZy is right on the money with what he has been saying.