Hey All,
My PHP is pretty much nonexistant, but I was wondering if the following is possible:
I'd like to have one banner in the header, and one in the footer. I've done this by putting the "$adbanner" variable in the spot where I want them. My problem is that they are both showing the same banner and I would like to have them showing different banners. If I were to add the following line to the end of this hack:
PHP Code:
$banner1="<a href=\"http://url1\"><img src=\"{ imagesfolder }/adbanners/banner1.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"></a>";
$banner2="<a href=\"http://url2\"><img src=\"{ imagesfolder }/adbanners/banner2.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"></a>";
$banners=array($banner1,$banner2); //banner array
$shuffle=$banners[rand(0,count($banners)-1)]; //shuffle banners
$adbanner="$shuffle\n"; //banners output
$adbanner1="$shuffle\n"; //banners output
and add "$adbanner1" to my footer instead of "$adbanner" would this give me a different banner than the one in the header?
Sorry for the newbie question....