Originally posted by feldon23
Ok my instructions are wrong, they say to CHMOD ircbrowse.txt to 644. It needs to be 666.
Your ircbrowse.php file is in the right place (I tested it). Make sure the key in your mIRC script matches the key in ircbrowse.php and make sure that you have CHMODded ircbrowse.txt to 666.
I have since updated the ZIP file without changing the version number since no code is affected.
Ah, I was wondering about why you mentioned it to be "644" in the original directions, when that is usually set by default.
It works perfectly now, great hack!

[high]* Velocd clicks install
I had requested this in Eyeball's last hack, and that is is there a way to grab the topic from the channel in the chat, then I could display that variable?