Thanks. They tell me that they can even stream data or headlines into the bar. I'm thinking for my site which also has classifieds to stream the latest posts of ads through the bar. I think the way to implement is to do a query of all new posts in the specified forums (my classifieds) and then write the posts out to a text file or just the titles. The bar will pull from the server this text file automatically and put the new ads on a ticker. This might also be cool just to show news or something like that. Also I want to somehow hack in a PM notification to the bar so even if they are surfing another site and PM comes in they will be notified somehow on this bar. Cool stuff. Just need to be efficient for the larger sites on how often the bar queries the server for updates so the strain is manageable. Maybe once every 30 or 60 minutes if the user is online. The bandwidth is negligible since it only needs to check the date stamp modification and compare it.
I looked around for all sorts of developers who make these things only to learn there are very few...most seem to charge $500-$2500 but this one is easy to make online in 10 minutes for under $100 and it actually works. The tie ins to VB are almost endless

An uber hack!