Although we never resolved this issue i will give unbiased criticism as always

- I'm not a great fan of the forum rollovers. I think it is just a distraction.
- In the header the main bit right at the top looks a bit misplaced and the sharp edges look a bit fuzzy
- Your logo is nice but quite plain
- The navbar fits the design but the stroke on the text looks quite inappropriate
- The stroke on the pixel font in the header as well as the outer glow looks silly and it makes it unreadable. That's one of the worst things a designer can do - add a one pixel border to a pixel font
- On the category headings on the left and right there is a 3-4 pixel line exteding upwards if you look closely
- - hasn't been done
- I'm not keen on the buttons as a whole. The kinda button bit which is embossed onto the buttons themselves looks nice but the pixel font with the black stroke around it looks innapropriate and so does the light green stripe.
In general i'm not too keen on the colors. They are kinda depressing and monotonous
- miSt