To change the order of usergroups, you basically need to add the new admin or moderator usergroup, or any other usergroup, into your showgroups.php in the order you want it to appear, by doing this.
To do this, follow these instructions.
1) You need to find out the usergroupid of the usergroup you want to change the order of.
2) Make sure in the Admin CP, Usergroup, Edit, it is set to "Yes" for Showgroups.
3) Assuming this is a new moderator usergroup, which you want to show after the Admin usergroup, but before the Moderator usergroup, do this:
Open showgroups.php:
PHP Code:
if ($usergroupid == 6) { // Admins
eval("\$admininfo .= \"".gettemplate("showgroups_adminbit")."\";");
PHP Code:
} else if ($usergroupid == XX) { // New usergroup
eval("\$usergroupXX .= \"".gettemplate("showgroups_adminbit")."\";");
Change XX (which occurs THREE TIMES in the code) to the usergroupid you want to add.
You can add multiple copies of this.
4) Then, find:
PHP Code:
if ($admininfo) {
if ($admingrouptitle=='') {
$groupname = 'Administrators';
} else {
$groupname = $admingrouptitle;
if (substr($groupname,-1)!="s") {
$adminbits = $admininfo;
eval("\$groupbits .= \"".gettemplate("showgroups_group")."\";");
PHP Code:
if ($usergroupXX) {
if ($usergroupXXtitle=='') {
$groupname = 'NewName';
} else {
$groupname = $usergroupXXtitle;
if (substr($groupname,-1)!="s") {
$adminbits = $usergroupXX;
eval("\$groupbits .= \"".gettemplate("showgroups_group")."\";");
Change XX (which occurs FOUR TIMES) to the usergroupid number, and change 'NewName' to the name of the new Usergroup.
You can add more of these if you wish as well, as long as each of this is paired with additions to the previous section.
That's it! You can work it out yourself, the finer details...