k i've installed the hack.
When I click "[ View Warnings List ]" on the main page it brings me to page that says this..
Database error in vBulletin 2.2.9:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT name, warnlvl, points
FROM warnings
ORDER BY (warnlvl) ASC, (worder) ASC
mysql error: Table 'pokecomm_community.warnings' doesn't exist
mysql error number: 1146
Date: Tuesday 04th of February 2003 05:06:20 AM
Script: http://pokecommunity.com/warn.php?s=
Referer: http://pokecommunity.com/
*notes that there is no other sign that the hack is installed visibily on the forums exept for the text on the main page "[ View Warnings List ]" and the added menu in admin CP. Other then that the warnings section isn't in profiles or any posts at bottom.
When I goto admin CP and click modify warning's i get this message...
When I click View Warned List I get this:
and when I click View Warning Logs I get this:
When I try to submit a warning i get this:
Is there something I did wrong?