Originally posted by Radgam
I've got an idea for what you might call a "superhack"! But i would need help from anyone/everyone interested in AIML & the alice bot to contribute if you can because it's way too large a project for me to write on my own (or maybe i could but i'm slow, unimaginative and it would probably take me a life time!).
If you've looked through patterns and template answers in the AIML files you'll probably notice that all conversation is actually very specific to the purpose it was written, that is, to finish high in that AI competition. It's probably the best thing to do if you want to win, but it's not very helpful if you want to use it on your site. For example, a large amount of the annabot files are based on Atlanta as that is where the competition was held (well, quite a bit of it is anyway).
vbAI: That would be the artificial intelligence files used to power the system. These would be written by anyone interested in AI (including myself) to be fairly non-specific meaning when you install the bot on your forum is when you actually make everything more specific (ie: placenames - all talk relating to the place your bot 'lives' would just be a variable and would be set when the bot is installed). This would be the same with the bots name etc.
cAIML: Conditional Arificial Intelligence Markup Language - Mostly the same as the ALICE bot is, but with a twist. I've noticed on my own forum where the bot is installed, and by looking though the AIML files you will sometimes see things like
<template>do you like living in <get name="location"/>.</template> - that's all good and well, but what if the bot doesn't know where that member lives yet? You get "do you like living in ."
cAIML would allow you to use PHP coding (or similar) in a template, to find out first if that information on someone is actually known. If so, proceed with the template, if not, ask them where they live then come back to the template.
Okay, i know it's a pretty large project but i think if it was a combined effort (esp with writing the AI files) we could make a pretty cool AI system and with better discussion than the ones currently out there.
If anyone is insterested, let me know Also, i'm not the best php programmer in the world (understatement!) so even if you aren't interested in AI, help with the programming side is just as important as i haven't work out how to do all of the stuff yet
I am in the process of setting up a community site that will serve as the AI chat bot development forums. I will be promoting it so that people will come and chat with the bot about as many diverse topics as possiable and also allow members to submit "intelegence" to the bot and once it is verified by a Mod or admin it will be added to the database.
Then the database will be released
I cant wait to get the ball rolling, I am also looking for a PHP knowledgeable VB hacker to help me with a small bit of the project (NO AI knowledge is required)