This wont prevent auto verification at all, all some one has to do is use fopen on the page and look for
<input type="hidden" name="autovero" value ="$image_var">
and get the value real esily, this will stop auto registration as much as not having it, also using gd every time the page is loaded will have a high load to the server, thats why im adding a cahceing option and the other options to my hack so prevent the gd causing high loads. Also there are some ways to extract this text from the image as well, you dont distort the image in any way so a bot could look through the image and compare it to others and get the text from it, the non gd support for my hack uses hash images so not even a bot can get the value from them and also alow cacheing and session limits, so if the user idles for to long it creates a new session verification value automaticly.
Also I'm not trying to put down this hack, It was a great idea, Im just stating there are some major flaws in the script.