Originally posted by BaBa2002
got a litle problem
you said in your instruction page
when i do thet i get a parse error in my store.php
what's my problem?
Make sure you downloaded the zip in the first post. I had posted (and then deleted) a variation that would only send email info. If you downloaded that, don't use it.
The code chunk for the store is:
PHP Code:
// ###################### Start Physical Item Hack by ChurchMedia #######################
if ($action=="buyitem") {
$storeitem = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM store WHERE action='$storeaction'");
$need=$points - $cost;
$userstuff = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT userid,username,storep,email FROM user WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]");
if ($cost>$points) {
} else {
// ##################### Begin Email To Admin ############################
$to = "youremail@yourdomain.com"; //The e-mail address to send the mail to
$subject = "Community Order: $title";
$message = "
A purchase in the community store has been made!
Item Purchased: $title
User Name: $bbuserinfo[username]
User Email: $bbuserinfo[email]
Ship To:
$city, $state $zip
Phone: $phone";
mail( $to, $subject, $message,"From: $bbuserinfo[email]") or print "Could NOT send mail";
// ##################### Begin Email To User ############################
$to = "$bbuserinfo[email]"; //The e-mail address to send the mail to
$subject = "Community Order: $title"; //Subject name shown on e-mail
$message = "Dear $bbuserinfo[username],
Thanks for your purchase from our community store!
Item purchased: $title
It will be shipped to:
$city, $state $zip
If you have any questions, please reply to this email.";
mail( $to, $subject, $message,"From: [email]youremail@yourdomain.com[/email]") or print "Could NOT send mail";
// ##################### End Email ############################
$DB_site->query("UPDATE user SET storep=storep-$cost WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");
$changestorenow = $DB_site->query("UPDATE store SET sold=sold+1 WHERE action='$storeaction'");
$moneycheck = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT storep,userid FROM user WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]'");
$money = $moneycheck[storep];
// ##################### End Physical Item Hack by ChurchMedia ############################
If you're still having problems, PM me and we'll arrange for you to send me your store.php file and I'll take a look