this is the error I got :
PHP Code:
Install for Moderator Logger and Recycle bin page5
Now doing file modifications
All patches correctly (I hope ;) applied to this file.
All patches correctly (I hope ;) applied to this file.
Warning: ChDir: No such file or directory (errno 2) in d:\gearhost\hostingaccounts\realitydesign\www\pyrio\forums\admin\loginstall.php on line 422
All patches correctly (I hope ;) applied to this file.
Warning: ChDir: No such file or directory (errno 2) in d:\gearhost\hostingaccounts\realitydesign\www\pyrio\forums\admin\loginstall.php on line 422
All patches correctly (I hope ;) applied to this file.
Warning: ChDir: No such file or directory (errno 2) in d:\gearhost\hostingaccounts\realitydesign\www\pyrio\forums\admin\loginstall.php on line 422
All patches correctly (I hope ;) applied to this file.
Warning: ChDir: No such file or directory (errno 2) in d:\gearhost\hostingaccounts\realitydesign\www\pyrio\forums\admin\loginstall.php on line 422