Originally posted by cklaszlo
I didn't mean to offend you. I was really curious as to trying to get a handle on ratios of people coming to a live forum via the archive. And if pop-ups on archive pages were distracted people and made them not want to sign up.
SkuZZy, PM or email me. I might be able to host your site. It's the least I can do for you since because of your hack our site is getting tons of traffic and we are listed to the max (lol) in Google.
I wasn't offended, that was mainly directed towards xenon though

I just wish people would stop telling other people what to do. It's like that hack Teck released, the pop-up windows for unregistered members. People spammed the thread with stuff about it being unethical and how you force your members to sign up and blah blah blah. Why can't people just mind their own business. Not saying xenon said anything wrong... maybe i'm just a little quick to pull the trigger this morning
Thanks for the offer on hosting, but battleforums does take alot of resources and we just moved hosts 3 days ago. My hosting actually doesn't cost that much (I make it seem worse than it is). But battleforums does use alot of resources, getting about 12,000 unique visitors (thanks google), 100,000 page views & 700,000 hits per day it's using about 65GB of bandwidth a month using GZIP and it's taking up alot of load on my current server... so I would not expect anyone to host it for free, but thanks for the offer