Another addon to this already great hack.
Instead of displaying and empty message box if you click "Leave a message" and hit enter before you enter anything (to erase the message until I can get a delete button for it), this will only leave the "Leave a message" line until someone enters a message. (No sense having an empty message line or an Author line if there is no message.

Change this:
PHP Code:
makelabelcode("Author: <a href='$bburl/member.php?s=&action=userinfo&userid=$userid'>$author</a> | Posted: $date_posted at $time_posted");
echo "</table></td></tr></table></form>\n";
To this:
PHP Code:
if ( $note != "" ) {
makelabelcode("Author: <a href='$bburl/member.php?s=&action=userinfo&userid=$userid'>$author</a> | Posted: $date_posted at $time_posted");
echo "</table></td></tr></table></form>\n";